Price Genie

Product & Visual Identity

Visual identity of Price Genie and revamp explorations of Pincode's item first strategy


Pincode initially offered a store-first shopping experience, allowing users to explore local stores in their neighborhoods and have products delivered directly from these shops. However, achieving product-market fit required more than just a store-centric approach. To better understand user shopping behaviors, a targeted trial was conducted. This led to the introduction of Price Genie, a feature that embraces an item-first discovery model.

My Role

In this role, I focused on deepening my understanding of product strategy while collaborating closely with product designers and managers. I led the brand's visual direction for the Price Genie feature, identifying key in-app touchpoints and developing a cohesive visual identity that integrates motion design and 3D elements across all touchpoints.


To establish a robust visual identity, I began by creating clear "identifiers" that help users easily understand the concepts of "Price" and "Genie."


After conducting some research, I identified several keywords that strongly associate with "Price Genie" and began compiling them to inspire the visual identity.

Rough Sketches

Collaborating closely with our in-house illustrator, we generated hundreds of rough sketches based on the identifiers and keywords we finalized with the product team. Here are some of the sketches that were part of our discussions.

In-App Touchpoints

Here is a list of all the in-app touchpoints where we identified the need for a strong visual identity for our Price Genie concept.

Final Visual Identity

Here’s an overview of the interesting derivations that led to the finalized visual identity. I also developed a 3D "Logo Tertiary" version, as we aimed to extend the identity beyond the app while maintaining a strong association with the primary visual identity.

Procreate Quick Animation

To help our product team grasp how the visual identity could evolve into a motion-centric design that embodies our concept while also functioning as a loader, I created this quick animated sketch in Procreate.


The visual identity exercise helped our stakeholders recognize the value of using branded visuals and motion design to elevate the user experience. The Price Genie concept was later applied to the Storefront views, resulting in a 2% increase in cart conversions.

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Let's design something together?

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Let's design something together?

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